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Your organization + kayaking = ?

Companies and non-profit organizations in Central Ohio are utilizing our 30 kayaks and experienced team to help strengthen their relationship with their customers and employees. A few examples are listed below. Contact us if you are interested in something similar or you have a creative idea we haven't thought of yet!

Team Building

No more boring staff outings. Hit the river instead with a group ride! Kayaking is a great way for your employees to relax, have fun, and grow closer as a team. See our Marketing Team Case Study for an example of a team building ride.

Gifts for employees/customers

Give the gift of sunshine and fun! We can help you give gift certificates or schedule "open hours" where your employees and/or customers can schedule rides for free or discounted rates. 

Catch customers' attention

Stand out by incorporating kayaking into your marketing campaigns. For example, "Dinner and a kayak ride" or "Facial and a kayak ride." We are happy to discuss cross-promotion marketing ideas with you.

Large group events

Launching a product? Casting vision for your non-profit? Hosting out-of-town guests? Thanking your volunteers? Give your guests the gift of a fun and memorable experience on the Scioto River. 

How about your creative ideas?

We're all ears! Just contact us and we'll be glad to discuss different options with you.